Sunday, 9 June 2013

No car booting, bollocks.

I enjoy the warmer season and the frequent car boot sales. But always dependant on other half, as I don't drive. Never had the money to get a licence when I was younger and not exactly flushed with cash now either.
Hate being stuck at home, unfortunately this seems the norm to my hairy baboon half. Blaah.
Makes a boring sunday even more boring.
I love rummaging  sale racks, charity shops and boot sales. The feeling when you bag a bargain is great.
Sad thing is, bargains are a breed near extinction. People don't seem to realise how the value of an item drops the minute you take it out of the shop, and take the tags/wrapping off. I'm not going to pay lots of money for something that I can't take back to a shop if there's any faults etc.
Then you get the turds called re-sellers. Buy it for 50p and then moments later you see it couple of tables further for 8 pounds. Hope you never get it sold for that price, ya dick.

I love Primark. The value for money you get is great. And it makes a lot of car booters look like absolute arses, as selling used items for more expensive prices that you'd get it brand new...Well, it makes you look like a fucking tit. The other week when I got to go to boot sale, asked a girl for the price for a jumper and a t-shirt. 7 pounds she said, and that's when I put the shit back on the rack, collect my jaw off the ground and move on.
But yeah, I'm gonna crack on the glue and stick some glitter shit on the little ones shoes, as I didn't get to go to boot sale. Meh.



  1. I used to love carboot sales! Used to shop all the time in charity shops until recession came and the prices even there went up. £5 for a top, no thanks. Primark, oh how I miss it! Such a great bargains.

  2. Car booters rock! Charity shops are really expensive, there's 2 places I pop in often, as they are very affordable, but all the main charity ones are taking the piss. Primark is ace. If there would be Primark in Finland, I'd be booking my tickets home asap. Hahahahahaha.
