Thursday, 5 December 2013

Crafting mania

The dark evenings have been my muse for random crafting, I stick some tealights on, put on tunes or watch the telly and try out new things.
I've also fallen in love with true entertainment channels morning shows, Road to Avonlea, Little House on the Prairie and The Waltons is keepin' that warm and fuzzy feeling even when it's cold and shit outside.
I remember Road to Avonlea from when I was younger, I loved it then, and love it even more now. It goes to the same category with Northern Exposure and other quality shows that I have fond memories of.


  1. I tried to crochet and knit a long time ago but I could never get the hang of it. Seeing your knitted socks I am regretting not catching onto the craft. I may need those long woolly socks this weekend they are calling for snow around here.

    1. Give it another go! I hated knitting and crochet when I was younger, but now that I've woken up old rusty skills, it seems much more nicer this time around. Still I suck at it, but at least I don't give up after 2 minutes... :D
      The socks are quite easy actually, youtube has heaps of tutorial videos, so if tempted......
      I wish we'd get proper snow. I miss it. Winters here are like the summers, drab, cold, miserable, wet, grey etc...I do like the storms tho!

  2. Great looking crochet snowflakes. Is that SOA comic book?

  3. Danke Schon chick! Yup, SOA comic book it is indeed-ily. :)

  4. SOA. <3 Is that a quilt? I love it! And the socks! LOVE LOVE LOVE!

    1. Sort of a quilt, it's just fabric leftovers put together and kiddos fav tees that she grew out sewn and embroidered on it. Velour backing so it's heavy and should be warm to snooze with. Thank you!
