Monday, 12 August 2013

Back "home"

Last lot of my fucking about with the camera....

I missed my hound. That nose <3

Came back, and next day had a massive row with the spousal unit. I told him that this is not my forever home. His answer to that was chucking my coffee mug, thus breaking a drawer and screaming. Nice to see how grown ups know how to talk and communicate....He is a very solitary man, so he does not see, how we might need socialising, friends, nature and hobbies. We should just be happy sitting at home watching tv, or watch him play playstation.....

Men. Urgh.


  1. Nice photos my friend. I can't imagine being waaayyyy over there. Plenty of broken mugs to go around.

    1. Thanks hun, I like that camera. Old, but very good with quality. I miss the nature, and the feeling of freedom that you get with it...

  2. Love the photos! I really adore the snout photo. :)

    Thank you for the sweet comment you left. <3

    1. Snouts are the bestest ever. :D Can't have a bad day when one of those appear...
      Thanks, I love learning to use the camera a bit better...x

  3. Amor,
    You need to kick his ass! cute snout pic.


    1. Thanks hun. I know, he needs a nice punch. There's been a lot of drama in that fam lately, it's like my own soap opera. x
